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更新时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00


  梦见火烧山 有水难之相。应该尽量避免接近海、湖、河川等有水的地方。不要以为游泳池就很安全,游泳池也是有危险的。 有被盗的可能,金钱、贵重物品的管理,要小心谨慎。尤其在往返的车厢中,要注意扒手

  梦见因向深谷下望而毛骨悚然 这是情绪不稳定的象征。经常会凭一时冲动而买下东西,小心不要买了没有用的东西而后悔莫及哦。

  梦见在山上迷路 人际关系将转好。尤其会受到长辈的赏识而被提拔。但决不可以老是依赖人家,要努力磨练自己、充实自已。

  梦见在山麓下仰望高山 表示年末的希望有可能实现。如果你的愿望是海外旅行,到了暑假可能就会实现。

  梦见像小鸟一样在山林上飞翔 暗示爱情将会急速发展。也许会由在咖啡店里谈天发展到手牵手,进而由接吻并发展到吃禁果 总之,你目前的爱情状态确实会有变化。

  梦见辛苦爬上高山 将大忙特忙。准备考试、会员的集会、替朋友解决困难等等,几乎抽不出时间娱乐,但精神上会觉得很充实。

  梦见站在山顶上 在爱情方面将有许多烦恼。除了情人之外,将会出现另外一个很有吸引力的异性,使你不知如何选择。

  梦见在分水岭上纵跑 人际关系有恶化的可能。跟个性不合的同学或老师发生冲突的可能性很大,千万要与人和睦相处。

  梦见在山中发现财宝 金钱的收支情形将会大起大落。虽有意外的收入,但支出也会增加。

  梦见向冬天的山岳挑战 学习成绩将有进步。尤其在不擅长的科目上,会有好成绩出现。

  梦见在山谷中露营 在性行为方面可能会有一番波折。情窦初开的你,也许会与偶然相识的异性演出紧要关头的一幕 要进、要退,全在于你的一念之间。

  Dream of Huoshaoshan -- water difficult phase. Should try to avoid close to the sea, lake, river, where there is water. Do not think that the swimming pool is very safe, swimming pool is dangerous. Have stolen may, money, valuables management, be circumspect. Especially in the back in the carriage, to watch out for pickpockets

  Due to the deep dream of looking down and with one s hair standing on end -- this is unstable, symbol of. Often impulsive buying things, be careful not to buy useless things and too late to regret oh.

  Dream lost in the mountains -- relationship will improve. Especially by elders recognition and promotion. But never can always rely on others, try to hone their own, to enrich themselves.

  Dream of in the foothills mountains -- look at the end of hope that has the potential to achieve. If you desire is to travel overseas, to the summer may come true.

  Dream like a bird in the mountains on the fly -- that love will be rapid development. Maybe by in a coffee shop and chat development hand in hand, and then by the kisses and the development of eating the forbidden fruit ... ... In short, your current love it will change.

  Dream of the hard climb mountains -- will be in a rush. Prepare for the exam, members of the assembly, for a friend to solve difficulties, almost no time for entertainment, but the spirit will feel very full.

  Dream of standing on the top of the mountain -- in love will have a lot of trouble. Lovers, there will be another very attractive to the opposite sex, so that you do not know how to choose.

  Dream of in the watershed of longitudinal ran -- relationships may worsen. With the possibility of a personality conflict classmates or teachers conflict, never to live together in peace together.

  Dreaming in the mountains found treasure -- money income situation will change radically. Although there are unexpected income, but spending will increase.

  Dream of the winter peak challenge -- study will have progress. Especially in the subject, will have a good achievement.

  Dreaming in the valley camp -- in sexual behavior may have some twists and turns. You may first awakening interest in the opposite sex, and casual sex play crucial moment scene ... ... To enter, want to return, you read between the lies.