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更新时间:2021-04-01 16:22:50

  1、新来的公司有个女孩 和你一样的名字,于是我不知不觉就对她特别亲切了。

  There is a girl in the new company with the same name as you, so I am very kind to her unconsciously.


  When I was a child, you came to my house to play and took away my favorite toy. My mother asked me if I was reluctant to give it to you. I said I was very happy to give it to you. Afterwards, I felt like crying every time I thought about it, because I never saw you again.


  I used to scramble eggs with tomatoes, but with you, I became a chef, and you became a bartender.


  The older you grow up, the easier it is to be moved by the stories around you, because there is a word, called empathy.

关键词: 故事 短句 文案